One Church. One Voice. Join Stephen and Thousands of Believers Praying for Revival August 22

One Church. One Voice. Join Stephen and Thousands of Believers Praying for Revival August 22

As most of you know from attending a Prepare the Way Ministries event, we have been praying for a 4th Great Awakening since starting the ministry in 2005. I believe that this event is a pivotal time in history in God answering those prayers of the saints. Join me and our family as we come together as one Church in Central Oregon for a night of prayer and worship. I’ll be one of over a dozen pastors across the body of Christ speaking at the event and leading everyone in key prayer points.

Thursday, August 22, 7 – 8:30 PM

Arrive early to park. It is at the Christian Life Center amphitheater which seats over 7,000 but parking can take some time.


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