Navigating Public Schools
Charting a course to uphold a Biblical worldview on public school campuses.
Speaker: Stephen Williams
Questions We Will Explore:
Part 1: The Influence of Christianity on Public Education and Government
- What role did Christianity play in education?
- What role did Christianity play in our government?
- What was the original intent of the First Amendment?
- How has it been changed recently?
Part 2: What are the Hidden Dangers in Public Schools?
- Is there really a threat to our children’s Christian worldview in education?
- How does a secular humanist worldview clash with a Biblical worldview?
- What areas of curriculum are most influenced by a secular agenda?
Part 3: Why Should We Care?
- How does a secular agenda in public education threaten our kids?
- How is our witness at risk?
- How is our society at risk?
Part 4: Taking Action
- How can Christians take appropriate action?
- What are your rights?
- Where can concerned citizens find resources?
This video is the introduction from a conference that Stephen gave on Navigating Public Schools: