Leading With A Pure Heart
Empowering men in the area of purity and equipping them to lead more effectively within their families, churches, and culture.
Speaker: Stephen Williams
Topics We Will Explore:
Part 1: The Impact of Impurity on our Culture and Churches
- What does the Bible say about purity?
- How has the pornography industry impacted our society?
- Why is the Church at a breaking point in terms of impurity?
- Why must we take action personally and corporately?
Part 2: Becoming a Leader with a Pure Heart
- Why are purity and leadership so intertwined? (example of King David)
- How does purity affect leadership among single men?
- How does purity affect leadership of the family structure?
- How does purity affect leadership within the Church?
Part 3: Tools for Overcoming Impurity
- Why we must overcome the power of secret sin.
- Why is confession to others so difficult?
- What is healthy accountability?
- How can we harness the transformative power of Christ?
Part 4: The Power of a Transformed Life
- Escaping Jericho–Rahab’s story
- Stephen’s testimony
- Why God does not define us by our past
- Personal victory leads to corporate victory
Part 5: Shining Light in the Darkness: Transforming Our Culture
- For the sake of our children
- For the sake of our families
- For the sake of our witness
- Harnessing the power of prayer