5 Picks for Family Worldview and Apologetics Series
Many of you suddenly have a lot more time at home. Several people have contacted us asking what a good worldview or apologetics series would be, so they can make the most of their family time. Here are some options to help equip your family, or home group, to stand firm in the faith.
The Truth Project (from Focus on the Family)
From the Website: “The Truth Project is a ground-breaking small group curriculum on the Biblical worldview. This video-based home Bible study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Join Dr. Del Tackett, as he takes you through 13 engaging video lessons on the relevance and importance of living the Biblical worldview in daily life, featuring insights from biblical experts like Ravi Zacharias, R.C. Sproul, Os Guinness and Gordon Pennington.”
Our Review: We have done this series several times as a home group and love it. It is pricey but one of the most comprehensive Biblical worldview series out there, with terrific teaching, interviews and visuals. Yes, we did make our teenagers watch it. Overall, they really liked it. I would add that for some teens who don’t like to sit still for very long, you may want to break each video into several parts, as they are close to an hour each.
Prepare the Way’s YouTube Page
Instead of choosing a video series that you need to buy, you can also watch videos on our Prepare the Way YouTube Channel for free. Explore the talks and play lists and see what is most relevant to you and your family. In fact, we have our entire last Christian Youth Summit with downloadable resources. For example, see below for a talk from Stephen on The Reliability of the Bible. Other talks on the YouTube channel include Moral Relativism, Tactics for Having Spiritual Conversations, and others. Please explore our YouTube Channel by clicking here and Subscribe, Like and Share some videos.
Alpha Youth Series
From the Website: “The brand new Alpha Youth Series has been totally reimagined for today’s youth culture. Through 13 sessions filmed in Vancouver, London, Paris, Rome, Israel, and many other incredible locations, the Alpha Youth Series explores timeless questions about life, faith and God for a new generation. The series offers compelling stories, images, questions, and discussion topics well spread throughout each episode to better engage youth, helping them think about how these issues relate to their lives as they discuss with their friends and leaders.”
Our Review: The original Alpha series played a big role in how both Sarah and I became Christian, even before we knew each other (Sarah took a course in England and I took a course in Menlo Park, CA). We then ran Alpha courses when we were married and have since seen many come to Christ through the course. Over 30 million people have taken the Alpha course in over 100 countries around the world. Alpha is known as a tool for evangelistic outreach because it focuses on the basic questions of Christianity, like “Who is Jesus” and “Why did Jesus Die?” That is why it has been run in so many vastly different churches, both denominational and non-denominational. Although it is primarily meant to be an outreach course, it is also a great resource for theology and understanding a basic Christian worldview. Our teens appreciated the clear explanations and humorous stories. This new youth Alpha series is meant to connect with today’s youth culture, but addresses those same basic questions of the Christian faith.
Standing Firm Biblical Worldview and Apologetics DVD Curriculum (from Prepare the Way)
From our Prepare the Way website: “Equipping Christians to overcome key stumbling blocks in our culture and be ready to give a logical defense of the faith.” Eight sessions available on DVD: Part 1: What’s the Problem; Part 2: The Reliability of Scripture; Part 3: Post-Modernism & Worldviews; Part 4: Historical Revisionism; Part 5: Science and Christianity; Part 6: Godly Sexuality; Part 7: Influencing Culture; Part 8: Discipleship
Contact us to get a DVD set. A donation of ANY amount would be a blessing.
Our Review: Well, we are biased, but this is a great series that combines apologetics and living out a Biblical worldview. It focuses on overcoming the key stumbling blocks to a Christian worldview that are prevalent in our increasingly secular culture. As a former atheist/agnostic, Stephen understands the anti-Christian perspectives that are so common in our culture today.
True U (from Focus on the Family)
From the website: “TrueU is a valuable resource for youth groups, college campus clubs, Sunday School classes, home-based small groups, homeschools, and individuals who want to strengthen their faith. The series consists of three sets of videos and study guides.”
Our Review: Stephen ran this course several times with students at our local community college and OSU Cascades. We feel it is most appropriate for mature high school or college students and adults. It has excellent teaching by famous apologist Stephen Meyer. The three sets of videos are 1) Does God Exist? 2) Is the Bible Reliable? and 3) Who is Jesus? We have watched a portion of the series with our older teens. They enjoyed it, but like The Truth Project, it may help to do shorter segments at a time, as it can get fairly intellectual. It does not have as many videos and interviews as the Truth Project and is taped in a classroom setting.