Announcing 2025 Christian Youth Summit Keynote Speakers

Announcing 2025 Christian Youth Summit Keynote Speakers

Prepare the Way Ministries’ 18th annual Christian Youth Summit is coming up on April 11-12, 2025 at New Hope Church in Bend, Oregon! We are very excited to announce that our keynote speakers for the Summit will be Jonathan Noyes and Kasey Leander.

Jonathan Noyes has been a speaker with Stand to Reason since 2019. He is a former atheist who used to think belief in God was “unwarranted and irresponsible.” According to his bio, “after examining the evidence for Christianity he was faced with the fact that Jesus is who He says He is and the Christian worldview tells the true story of reality. Ever since Jon has been passionate about engaging the culture with honest, well-thought-out reasons why people should trust the Christian worldview.” We are excited to have Jonathan with us and excited for him to present some of Stand to Reason’s valuable and unique approaches to engaging a secular culture. Greg Koukl, founder of Stand to Reason, wrote the well-known books called Tactics and Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air, which we have used in our worldview classes.

Kasey Leander is the program manager for Summit Colorado. He holds a BA in History and PPE (Politics, Philosophy and Economics) from Taylor University, and a Certificate in Theological Studies from Oxford University. After completing his study at Oxford, Kasey worked with collegiate ministries across the country, speaking on the tough questions of faith and culture. Before working for Summit, he was a writer for Breakpoint, a publication of The Colson Center for Christian Worldview. We are excited to have Kasey Leander from Summit Ministries join us for the first time as a speaker at the Christian Youth Summit!

We are in need of Christian Youth Summit sponsors and donors to continue the tradition of making the Summit free. If you would like to invest helping the next generation stand firm in their faith, please donate now by clicking here.


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