Barna Reports on Top 10 Most “Post-Christian” Cities

Barna Reports on Top 10 Most “Post-Christian” Cities

Recent research from Barna quantifies the secularization of our nation in a valuable way. Hopefully, when Christians see the trends, there will be an increased motivation to be a part of the solution. Prepare the Way has been addressing the trends described with events like the Christian Youth Summit, Standing Firm seminars, and Navigating Public School workshops. Our approach has been not only to help Christians stand firm in their faith and worldview, but to empower Christians to share the hope of Christ in an increasingly secular culture.

According to the report, “Over the past year, Barna research has unpacked faith trends in the U.S. including a general reluctance to engage in spiritual conversations, an aversion to evangelism and the erosion of religious beliefs and practices. These stories and more continue to point to an increasingly secularized nation made up of increasingly secularized cities.”

Yet they also point to some hopeful trends, such as spiritual curiosity among Millennials. We pray that Christians would engage this curiosity in creative and innovative ways to reach our culture. Read the full article from Barna here.

Our main mission with Prepare the Way Ministries’ is to empower Christians to know the reasons for their faith and equip them to be more effective evangelists. Please contact us to schedule a presentation around one of our key Speaking Topics.


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