Can Teachers Pray Together in Public Schools?

Can Teachers Pray Together in Public Schools?

What would happen if all Christian teachers and staff in public schools realized they have the legal right to pray for each other in public schools? And what if they did?

We heard from Mike Hicks, National Director of LIFT America (CEAI), this past Saturday about what can happen. They feel less isolated. They get spiritually refreshed to love kids beyond their own strength. They step out of their comfort zones to get involved with campus ministry. They ask for prayer when they are going through a tough family situation. They are increasingly filled with the love of Christ and inspired to pour it out.

This past Saturday, Prepare the Way Ministries partnered with CEAI to host an event for public school teachers and staff who are Christian. With over 80 in attendance, the feedback was awesome. One teacher texted after the event that it was one of her “all-time favorite experiences.” Mike Hicks gave an inspiring message and shared some moving stories of loving on kids. One story was about a group of teachers and counselors joining together to help buy new clothes and a trip to the salon for a student suffering from poverty. He shared another story about a girl in his “at-risk” class that started with a 0.8 GPA and graduated with over a 3.0. His point? When you share the love of Jesus with just one—that love can reach a village. Ministry leaders from Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) were also in attendance and able to share some of the amazing student ministry happening in schools. Thanks to New Hope for hosting, and all the volunteers who helped make it a memorable evening.

Do you know a teacher or staff member who needs this kind of prayer and encouragement? Contact us and we can try to put them in touch with other teachers in their school to start a LIFT (Lasting Impact Fellowship for Teachers) group.

If you are in Central Oregon around November 10th, join Stephen as he presents a mini-conference on Navigating Public Schools as a Christian.


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