Do You Know Any Christians in Public School? Help Us Host a CEAI/LIFT America Event This Fall!
We are excited to partner with Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) in putting on a LIFT America event for public school employees here in Bend this fall.
Do you work in the public school system? Do you know anyone who does? This LIFT event is for you! Lasting Impact Fellowship for Teachers events are happening around the nation and are put on by CEAI, the largest Christian educators association in the nation. Mike Hicks, National Director LIFT America, will be the keynote speaker at this catered dinner, and will give an inspiring and timely message for all working in public schools. It’s time that the body of Christ rallies around and supports Christians involved in our public education system. Too often they feel alone and unsupported in their important work and ministry.
We are in the planning stages and we are putting together a core team to help with prayer and event planning. Please contact us if you would like to be a part of this important event in any way big or small.
Here’s a short video overview of LIFT:
George Timothy Maurer
I’d like to volunteer.
June 13, 2018Kent Wieber
I can help spread the word to those in the Bend-La Pine SD. I am very interested in helping and attending.
June 13, 2018