Uplift Class for Teens – Understanding the Culture Taught by Stephen in Bend
Uplift Class for Teens – Understanding the Culture Taught by Stephen in Bend
1:00 pm Real Life Church, 2880 NE 27th St, Bend, OR 97701 0Why prioritize teaching your kids a Christian worldview? Between movies, social media, advertising, the internet, textbooks, music – the world is bombarding them with secular worldviews all the time. A lot of people want access to your kids. How do we respond? We need to teach students how to think – how to examine the world through Biblical glasses. Recent research shows the percentage of teens with a Biblical worldview is trending down. In fact, some researchers found only 4% of Gen Z has a Biblical worldview. Summit Ministries has been addressing this downward trend for a long time and they wrote three classic books to help young adults solidify their worldview: Understanding the Faith, Understanding the Times, and Understanding the Culture.
For the past two years, Stephen has been teaching this curriculum to a group of teens at Uplift Co-op in Bend. He will start the third book, Understanding the Culture, October 4th. The class is geared for high schoolers, but mature middle schoolers are welcome. Although it’s beneficial to have read the previous two texts, it is not required. To register for the class you need to be an Uplift resource class member (you don’t need to be a community day member). Click here to see the class we are offering on Fridays titled “Teen – Apologetics Understanding the Culture.” If you have questions about Uplift Co-op, contact Cassie Johnson, upliftcentraloregon@gmail.com.
This course will run in 8 weeks terms along side the community day schedule:
Fall Term 10/4 – 11/22 (ok to join on Oct 25 or anytime this Fall)
Winter Term 1/10 – 2/28
Spring Term 4/4 – 5/23
The textbook and student manual are required to take the class. Here are the links:
Student Manual: https://www.christianbook.com/understanding-the-culture-student-manual/9780936163659/pd/163659?event=ESRCG