Franklin Graham: Pray for Our New President
Here are some words of wisdom from Franklin Graham about President-elect Trump and the election.
“God is never surprised. The election of Donald Trump shocked the pundits and Washington elite and even surprised some of the candidate’s own voters—but it is God who cleared the way for him, whether [Trump] fully realizes that or not.
“That’s because, whichever person had been elected, the rise and fall of a nation’s leaders happens under the sovereignty of God, who is often working in larger ways and with a longer perspective than we can know. The Bible says, “Wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:20–21, NKJV).
“…God’s people can have a huge impact if we take our responsibility seriously and are diligent ‘always to pray and not lose heart’ (Luke 18:1).”
Read the full article by Rev. Graham here.