National Day of Prayer Event on the News Media in Bend
Local news station, KTVZ, created a balanced and informative piece on the National Day of Prayer event held yesterday in Bend, Oregon (see video link below). Bend resident, Andrea Uckele, spearheaded this first public National Day of Prayer event in Drake Park with the help of some local pastors. Stephen Williams of Prepare the Way Ministries gave the opening message and prayer, followed by several others. Organizers hope to make it an annual tradition in the park and get more youth involved in the future. Stephen and Sarah’s daughters, Maggie and Elizabeth, enjoyed being a part of the event and were interviewed for TV. To see the piece by KTVZ, click below:

Please be in prayer for the United States. We don’t deserve it, but we desperately need a Great Awakening. “If My people, who are called by My Name…“