SAVE the Date–11th Annual 2018 Christian Youth Summit
Save the Date! Prepare the Way Ministries’ 11th annual Christian Youth Summit will be on:
March 16-17, 2018
Join us for the 11th annual Christian Youth Summit in Bend, OR. Why? To help youth stand firm in their faith, so they can stand for truth in our culture. We are VERY excited about our keynote…stay tuned for our big announcement soon.
Help us spread the word with pastors and leaders by forwarding this date and putting March 16-17 on your calendars.
Every year, Prepare the Way Ministries brings together hundreds of youth and adults for a weekend that explores challenging questions about the Christian faith.
“I have NEVER been to a conference where I walked away with such great confidence that the kids I brought both gleaned truth and had fun. I have been to many many different conferences and youth events, some of them big name ones, some smaller; this was by far the most useful, spiritually uplifting youth event that I have ever been to. EVER!!!! No conference has ever (until now) provided to me or to the young kids that I minster to, the historical, scientific, logical reasons to believe in Christ. The kids I brought were blessed…” – Youth pastor
“The first year I attended the Summit in 8th grade I had no idea about the challenges I would face concerning my faith in the next four years as I entered high school…because of the Youth Summit I was prepared for challenges to my faith that came along. Having been going to the Youth Summit for the past four years, I am now more equipped than ever to stand firm in my faith as I enter into our world with a Christian worldview that has been built on a firm foundation…” – 16 year old
For more information and testimonies about the annual Christian Youth Summit, click here: