Speaking Topics for Worldview-Apologetics Conference This Friday-Saturday

Speaking Topics for Worldview-Apologetics Conference This Friday-Saturday

Check out these excellent speaking topics and line up for our Worldview and Apologetics Conference this October 26 and 27 near Portland. Tickets will probably sell out, so get yours today and join us!                    www.PDXApologetics.com

Friday October 26:

6:45 PM What in the World are We Afraid Of? (Craig Hazen): A quick humorous introduction to the conference and survey of the apologetics landscape.

7:05 The Anatomy of Unbelief (J.P. Moreland): How Christian knowledge challenges the hostile worldviews.

8:00 Archaeological Apologetics (John Bloom)

A survey of the magnificent testimony of the hard-evidence that the Bible is historically trustworthy.

9:15-10:15  A-Pizza-getics (H.S. & College Discussion Forum):

Join High School and College aged attendees for an interactive discussion forum with pizza provided.

Saturday October 27:

9:03 The Changing World of Mormonism (Craig Hazen): A talk that presents a brief overview of Mormonism, one prominent defeater, and hope that they may just be moving in the direction of the true Jesus and the true Gospel.

10:10 Breakout Sessions #1 (See below)

11:10 Arguments for the Existence of God (JP Moreland):

Showing beyond a reasonable doubt that God exists using key philosophical and scientific demonstrations.

12:15 Lunch Provided in the Lobby

1:00 Breakout Sessions #2 (See below)

2:05 The Case for Intelligent Design (John Bloom): Shows how Darwinism and naturalistic processes simply can’t make scientific sense of the coming forth and the diverse flourishing of life on earth.

3:10 Panel Discussion (Moreland, Hazen, Bloom): An opportunity for the audience to ask any question.

Breakout Sessions for Saturday:

10:10 AM & 1:00 PM Breakout Sessions:

(Choose from 6 different breakout sessions)

– Responding to Troubling Trends in Old Testament Studies (John Bloom) AM ONLY: Many scholars of the OT are arguing that stories in the Bible are little more than Ancient Near Eastern mythology. Historical evidence shows otherwise.

– Youth Perspective on Apologetics (Mary Anne Swart, Hope Jackson) PM ONLY: Two high schoolers share about the role that apologetics plays in youth culture followed by a short Q&A session.

– The Canon of Scripture (Rob Pryor): Have you ever wondered why the Bible has sixty-six books? Learn how the Old and New Testaments are God’s inspired Word.

– Navigating Public Schools (Stephen Williams): How can all Christians affiliated with the public education system in any capacity uphold a Biblical worldview and be a light for Christ on campus?

– Navigating Legal Challenges (J.D. Mesnard): J.D., Director of Alliance Defending Freedom’s Church Alliance Network, will help churches and ministries better protect their religious freedoms in a rapidly changing culture.

– A Brief Guide the Next Generation (Luke Cirillo, First Image): Learning to talk Jesus, church, culture, sex, politics, and life with the Millennial and Gen Z generations.

– Understanding the Times Related to LGBTQ (Anne Paulk, Director Restored Hope Network): We will examine some common philosophies of our times and apply Biblical understanding that brings clarity, hope, and truth related to homosexuality and gender.

In addition to all the Biblical worldview equipping, lunch on Saturday is provided and snacks throughout, as well as an excellent ministry fair with local evangelical ministries sharing how they are impacting Oregon as the hands and feet of Jesus. Don’t miss out:                  http://www.PDXApologetics.com



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