COVID-19 Resource Links for Churches & Ministries
We are all facing challenging times. To say that life has changed recently is an understatement. But one thing that has not changed is God. His love for His people has not changed. His call to make disciples has not changed. But HOW we do that as the body of Christ has changed dramatically. We want to share some resources for church and ministry leaders in this time to help the body of Christ stay connected and make disciples effectively.
Article from the Lausanne Movement on ways to meet virtually as a church: “Virtual Meetings and the Great Commission: Changing the Dynamics of Global Collaboration“
Christian legal firm, Alliance Defending Freedom, webinar on COVID-19 issues: “Faith in a Time of Crisis“
InterVarsity: “Ministering Online through COVID-19” addresses how to continue making disciples on college campuses but applies well to all believers.
Barna Research Webinar about online discipleship and the Barna “ChurchPulse” resources including a great free toolkit for churches.
Brotherhood Mutual provides information and links to resources on insurance issues and the CARES Act. Depending on your insurance plan, your church might be eligible to make up lost donation revenue during this time.