Why prioritize teaching your kids a Christian worldview? Between movies, social media, advertising, the internet, textbooks, music – the world is bombarding them with secular worldviews all the time. A lot of people want access to your kids. How do we respond? We need to teach students how to think – how to examine the......
Read MoreAs we have blogged about recently, collegiate ministry is a critical support to Christian college students and creates an awesome opportunity to reach college students with the gospel. Come and hear Warren Davie, Director of Northwest Collegiate Ministries, discuss ways to support Christians on campus. They have thriving collegiate groups on 11 different campuses in......
Read MoreCampus Christian groups can be an enormous support to Christian students, especially in public schools. Now is a great time to find out which groups are active at the school where your student is attending and when they meet. What we have seen again and again in our ministry is that students who are involved......
Read MoreCollege Christian ministries can be an enormous support to Christian students especially at secular colleges. Now is the time to find out which groups are active at the college where your student will attend this fall and when they meet. Make contact with the leaders sooner rather than later. It can take time to find......
Read MoreWhat’s the Most Important Day in US history? As you celebrate the birth of our nation today, consider that there was another July 4th that was instrumental in birthing the United States of America. Check out this article from the Christian Post about how prayer changed the course of events for this nation and how......
Read MoreDon’t Let Summer Slip Away! Follow Prepare the Way’s Social Media Sites Stay in the Loop! Over the years, I (Sarah) have often been torn about summer. Part of me wants to bury my head in the sand and wait until the school year for new goals and bright ideas about parenting and worldview topics.......
Read More“13% of born again believers have a Biblical worldview.” – Barna Research, 2023 Stephen recently recorded his entire Standing Firm worldview and apologetics series and is offering it as a free online resource. This is an empowering series that can help equip you and your family with a Biblical worldview. You can split up the......
Read More17 Years of Equipping Youth to Stand Firm “I have attended the youth summit for at least five years now. Each year I am blown away by how God is at work! The sessions and breakouts that I attended applied directly to me! The conference brought to light how I can live more on fire......
Read MoreWhat if your kids or grandkids ask you the history of Memorial Day? Could you give them a solid answer? Many in our country do not know the history of Memorial Day. Yet citizens of the United States enjoy so many freedoms every single day due to the sacrifice remembered on this day. Many communities......
Read MoreWe are super excited for our 17th annual Christian Youth Summit April 26-27. We will also be livestreaming the event on our YouTube page. Please click this link and SUBSCRIBE to our channel: All the needed materials (program book, speakers, notes, discussion questions, extra resources) for the event are provided in the description section......
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